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Clemens has positioned itself as a leader in the manufacturing of specialised equipment for vineyards and orchards.
Orchards Agrimek provide a wide range of Clemens cultivators, trimmers, pruners, defoliators, seeders, power harrows and many more.
It may seem like science fiction but the future is here. The next generation of agricultural technology, electronic tractor control promises to increase productivity. The Clemens Vinescout steering system can be installed on all tractors or grape harvesters with hydraulic steering. Vinescout electronically steers the tractor in the row with the assistance of a 3D camera system. This means that the tractor driver no longer needs to steer when driving through rows, but can instead fully focus on the attached equipment.
Product CatalogueUser GuidesA buzzer is triggered when the end of a row is reached to alert the driver to take over manual steering in order to move onto the next row. The vine scout automatic steering system allows the driver to concentrate on other activities and greatly improves multi-row cultivation, even at night.
The Clemens Eco Roll mulcher can be incorporated into any agricultural process with ease. Alien vegetation is pressed down as the spades attached to the roller bend and cut down the stems and leaves. Creating a loose covering which is naturally incorporated into the soil by earthworms and other organisms. Mulching helps retain soil moisture, regulate soil temperature and suppress weed growth dramatically.
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Orchard Agrimek, a top-tier agricultural company providing orchard and vineyard equipment to the South African market. We import well proven agricultural equipment to improve quality and productivity.
Orchard Agrimek is committed to providing innovative and dependable solutions to farmers. Our focus is to provide well proven products that improve quality and productivity, and ultimately to increase profitability for you the farmer. We stand behind all of our products - no matter what! We will do whatever it takes to ensure that our customers remain loyal to the products we deliver to them.
Orchard Agrimek is proud of our association built over many years with all our suppliers of agricultural equipment. We distribute and support only world-beating, proven brands. We are agricultural mechanisationists - more machines make light work!
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