• 023 347 2646
  • agrimek@orchardagri.co.za

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orchard agrimek guarantees client satisfaction

A suction fan pulls the leaves in, which is then caught between a rubber roller and perforated drum, plucked from the vine and blown out from the Deleaver. The Clemens Deleaver can also be used to blow flower clusters clean at the end of the flowering season. This reduces fungal and bacterial infection not only in the grape zone but also in the grapes themselves.

Product CatalogueUser Guide

Technical data:

  • Hydraulic flow rate - 20 l/min
  • Housing - Aluminium
  • Weight - 50 kg
  • Noise emissions - 72dB 


Talk to Us

Please contact us via email or the form below, and a member of the Orchard Agrimek team will promptly respond. For urgent concerns, reach out to our Sales & Marketing Manager, Bertus Scheepers, at 079 508 8540 or bertus@orchardagri.co.za.

Phone: +27 (0)23 347 2646

Cell: +27 (0)79 508 8540

Email: agrimek@orchardagri.co.za

Physical Address:
5-7 Field Street
Western Cape
South Africa



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